ERAS is a performing software program dedicated to the post-processing of sound and weather data originating from the main acquisition systems by 01dB: DUO, CUBE, FUSION associated with ERAS…

ERAS includes all functions required for data processing :

NIEA P206.90B Acoustics-railway applications-measurement of noise emitted by railbound vehicles

NIEA P201.95C Environmental Noise Measurement Methods

NIEA P205.92C Environmental low frequency noise measurement methods

Multi-curve display of the time history of overall and spectral indicators

Calculation of average indicators: Leq over period, Lden

Calculation on spectra: average spectrum, recomposition, etc.

Statistical calculation: per source, per period, etc.

Analysis of metrological signals: replay, short Leq, etc./p>

Manual coding, on threshold, crossed between channels

Display of measurement sites on Googlemaps

Export to Word and Excel

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